We’re looking at all the aspects between Reverb and ChurchGear to see which platform is best for you. Check out our top 10 used production gear websites article for more platform breakdowns.
1. Quality
The quality of the used production gear is the biggest differentiator between ChurchGear and Reverb. With all of ChurchGear’s gear coming from churches, the quality of the used production gear is the best on the entirety of the used production gear market. With a Reverb seller, you have no idea what the gear has been through. Was it traveled, toured and used outdoors?
With ChurchGear, you know the gear has been lightly used(sometimes just once a week), has been tested by our gear gurus, and it has lived in a climate controlled area. With Reverb, you could be getting gear that has lived a hard life. Here is an illustration for just how easy a life gear from church’s has had compared to most used production gear.
Score: ChurchGear 1 vs. Reverb 0.

2. Quantity
Reverb crushes ChurchGear on the quantity of used production gear available. When it comes to used production gear websites, Reverb is one of the biggest in the business. Reverb is commonly called the “eBay of production gear” because they specifically serve the music/production gear category. Because of this, you’ve got a 92% chance of finding more options of an item on on Reverb over ChurchGear. Here are two moments quantity really matters.
Scenario #1 “Searching for a specific piece on used production gear websites.”
Are you looking for something rare? Reverb has a much better chance of having the gear you’re seeking. If a church doesn’t typically have the production gear you’re looking for, it is almost certain that ChurchGear will not have this gear.
Scenario #2 “Searching for the lowest price on used production gear websites.”
We will touch on this more below, but with more quantity comes competition between sellers. With more options and competition on the site, this can drive prices down on the gear.
Score: ChurchGear 1 vs. Reverb 1.
3. Shipping
With ChurchGear, you know your used production gear is being shipped by experts who have their own shipping station and materials to ensure a safe arrival. We build wooden boxes for pallet shipments, we use protective materials like styrofoam and bubble wrap, and we pack over 4,000 items a year. Buying used production gear from ChurchGear comes with the assurance that your item won’t be damaged in transit.
With Reverb, you have no idea if that seller know how to ship gear safely. If they have tons of reviews on shipping production gear well, you should be okay. But shipping this gear is not for the faint of heart. Make sure whoever you buy from has experience shipping used production gear safely.
Score: ChurchGear 2 vs. Reverb 1.
4. Pricing
As mentioned above, Reverb’s large quantity of gear typically leads to lower prices. When ten people are trying to sell an Aviom A-16ii, they may lower their prices to make their item more appealing. ChurchGear is the only seller on its platform so there isn’t a need to lower prices to compete with itself. Furthermore, we price our gear in conjunction to the great quality it comes in compared to other used production gear. The odds are high that you can find the piece you’re looking for at the “good” category and thus at a lower price on other used production gear websites like Reverb. The bulk of ChurchGear’s used production gear is either “very good” or “excellent” and the price reflects that.
Score: ChurchGear 2 vs. Reverb 2.
5. Veting Sellers
When you’re on Reverb, you’re looking at a myriad of sellers. While this can give you a cheaper price, this also introduces a ton of sellers you have to investigate before you buy from them. With ChurchGear, you know you’re buying high quality, used production gear from a singular seller. If we have the gear you’re seeking, you know exactly who you are buying from: us. Of all the used production gear websites, we will have the highest quality gear.
When you’re looking through options on Reverb, you’ll need to review that seller before you purchase from them. Make sure you check their reviews thoroughly. Look for reviews that say if the gear arrived safely and if the gear had problems once they received it. ChurchGear has a 98% review score on Reverb over the past year. You know ChurchGear has tested the used production gear. Reverb sellers could just plop it in a box.
Score: ChurchGear 3 vs. Reverb 2.
6. Warranties
In the same way Reverb was made for musicians, ChurchGear was made for church techs. We offer a six month warranty on our used production gear when the item is bought for a church. This is the only time a warranty of this caliber has ever been offered on used production gear.
Score: ChurchGear 4 vs. Reverb 2.
While the score says 4 to 2, the comparison between ChurchGear and Reverb really just comes down to what factor you value highest. If you’re looking for the cheapest price, check Reverb first. We could have the same or lower price, but the odds are that Reverb will have a cheaper price. If you’re looking for the highest quality used production gear on the market, we are the unquestionable source.

Used Production Gear Websites should be easy to buy from.
We send out our best gear to a small group of people every Monday morning at 8:45AM via the Early Service email.
When our best gear goes public on our website, our Reverb store and eBay, it can sell within the hour. Don’t compete with the entire world’s used production gear websites. Join the Early Service today.