Buying from ChurchGear has a lot of perks: 6-month warranties, tested gear, safe shipping, etc. If you’re checking us out for the first time, these 8 reasons will show how we earn our customers’ trust time and time again as the premier used production gear seller.
1. Definition of Lightly used Production Gear
All of our used production gear comes from churches. Used production gear from a church has had a boring life. And that is exactly what you want from your used gear. Let’s look at the typical places used production gear comes from:
1. Touring companies
When a major artist is done with a nationwide tour, they’ll sell off all of their used production gear and buy new gear for their next tour. This used gear has had a rough life though. When you buy gear that has toured you’re buying all the baggage that comes with that: its been used outside, its been played at max volume a lot, its been loaded and unloaded a great deal. At the end of the day, avoiding touring gear is just a good call.
2. Musicians moving on from gear
If a musician is upgrading their gear, they’ll typically sell their old gear. The biggest factor in buying used production gear is knowing the gear’s backstory. Was this gear played in smoke filled bars? How has it been taken care of? You’ll have to cross your fingers and hope its still working well.
3. eBay/Reverb
These are the platforms that touring companies, musicians and everyone else typically sells their gear. We love both of these sites and have our own stores on them. However, when you buy on these platforms you’re buying from a multitude of individual sellers. Will they know how to ship it? Have they tested the gear? Do they offer a warranty?
There are just too many question marks here.
4. Buying From ChurchGear
All of our used production gear has never traveled or toured and has stayed in doors. This gear isn’t played at maximum volume and has sat in a climate controlled environment its whole life. We could go on and on on the benefits of buying from ChurchGear but we think this image illustrates it perfectly.

2. Saving Money
You’ll save money buying from ChurchGear.
Isn’t used production gear unreliable and prone to dying early?
-Common Myth
Does new gear have a longer life ahead of itself? Of course. But focus more on the length of life left rather than which is longest. Because both are very long. Used gear holds its value the same way a truck holds its value. If it is taken care of, used music gear will last for years after you’ve bought it. Imagine all the great gear you can buy when you get it used.
3. Safe Shipping
This is a big concern when you’re buying used production gear. Can you trust this person to pack the gear safely and ship it to you in one piece? It’s not their fault. Shipping used production gear is not for the faint of heart. We’ve been shipping used production gear safely for 15 years so we’ve seen every type of package we need to create. We have a dedicated shipping station with a team of shipping experts equipped with bubble wrap, styrofoam corners and custom boxes. Buying from ChurchGear comes with a promise: we will ship your used production gear safer than anyone else.
Bonus: And if the piece is big or above 70 pounds you’ll have to ship it via freight. This is an ordeal in and of its self! We have a relationship with freight shipping companies and build custom, wooded boxes around our gear to ensure safety.
4. Fast Shipping
We ship over 90% of our gear within a single day. Some platforms give sellers up to 5 days to ship the item after it sells. Imagine buying a used power amp that you need soon for your church service on Monday only to see that is hasn’t even shipped by Friday. After it ships, then you have to wait the amount of days it takes UPS or FedEx to ship it. Yikes! We have a shipping team packaging items every single day Mon-Fri. You get your gear with us quickly. In fact, our fast shipping is the the most common review people leave about ChurchGear!
5. Buying from ChurchGear gives you a Consistent Seller
Reverb and eBay are great. But those platforms have thousands if not millions of sellers. You’ll need to vet each seller’s review rating and reviews to make sure they are safe. With our platform, you only have one person to vet: ChurchGear. So you know every piece on the platform is being sold by us. Check out how ChurchGear stacks up to the other platforms out there for used production gear.
6. Buying from ChurchGear gives you Tested, Warranted Gear
We test every single piece of used production gear that we sell. Every. Single. Piece. When a piece of gear passes our tests and becomes a Certified Church Owned piece, we offer a 6-month warranty on the gear. We are one of the few companies offering warranties on used production gear and we definitely offer the most warranted pieces of gear of any platform. Buying from ChurchGear has its perks!
7. Giving Back
A portion of every piece of gear we sell is given to our ministry parters. We believe in supporting the advancement of the gospel and put our dollars where our heart is.
8. Supporting the Church
We buy over a million dollars of used production gear from churches. When you purchase from us, you’re helping us continue our mission to support church tech directors. We love helping church tech directors move on from their old used production gear so that they can focus on Sunday and stop worrying about the used production gear clogging up their closet.
Buying from ChurchGear is good.
Buying from ChurchGear via the Early Service is better
We sell our best, rarest gear every Monday at 8:45AM. Some of our best gear will sell within an hour on Reverb & eBay.
Get on the Early Service to ensure you get first dibs on the best gear before the entire world grabs it first.