If you’re conducting an eBay vs ChurchGear comparison, we have an honest, realistic breakdown between the two platforms below. Both offer great used production gear. But each platform has its own specific attributes that make it distinct and better depending upon what you’re looking for.
However, there are definitely more platforms out there than these two. Check our our top ten used production gear websites article here.
1. eBay vs ChurchGear: Quality
When you compare the quality of ChurchGear and eBay, ChurchGear is the clear winner. All of our used production gear comes from churches and this gives our gear a great deal of perks:
- Lightly used
- Rarely used at maximum capacity
- Operated inside a climate controlled environment
- Never traveled or toured.
With used production gear on eBay, you don’t know the gear’s backstory. Has this gear traveled? Was this used in smoke filled bars? Has this gear been played at maximum capacity for the majority of its life? Knowing the gear’s backstory is the top way to ensure it’ll serve your church well.
With eBay, you’ll need to vet every individual seller to see if their gear still has life in it. With ChurchGear, you can assume the gear will be ready to serve your church for years to come.
Score: ChurchGear 1 vs eBay 0.
2. eBay vs ChurchGear: Quantity
While ChurchGear easily wins on quality, eBay wins heartedly on quantity. eBay is the largest platform for used goods in the world so they easily have the most options for you to pick from for your used production gear needs. ChurchGear may have a single Aviom 16-D, while eBay could have twenty. Even though the quality of the gear is different, there is no arguing the sheer volume of options that eBay will give you.
If you need something super specific, eBay will give you the best chance of finding it.
Score: ChurchGear 1 vs eBay 1.
3. eBay vs ChurchGear: Shipping
As wide as eBay’s selection is, their variance of seller’s shipping skills is equally varied. Is this a seller who is just trying to move an item or two for the first time? If they’ve never shipped used production gear before, they are operating on a learning curve. Shipping used production gear isn’t easy. We’ve been doing it for 15 years and have seen all kinds of scenarios. We have a dedicated shipping team that ships items every single day Mon-Fri.
They’re equipped with all the packing materials you need to ensure your production gear arrives safely: custom boxes, heavy duty styrofoam, bubble wrap and wooden freight boxes.
In fact, our most common review is on how safe and quick we ship. With eBay, you’ll have to hope that seller knows what they are doing.
Score: ChurchGear 2 vs eBay 1.
4. eBay vs ChurchGear: Price
We’ve already mentioned the large quantity of gear that eBay has. When you have more of something, this typically results in lower prices. When ten people are trying to sell an Aviom A16D, some people may lower their prices to make their item more appealing.
ChurchGear is the only seller on the ChurchGear website. Thus, we are not competing with ourself. Furthermore, our gear is typically “very good” or “excellent” in condition, so we price it accordingly. You’ll probably be able to find the piece on eBay as “good” for a lower price.
Score: ChurchGear 2 vs eBay 2.
5. Vetting Sellers
While more sellers generates more options to pick from and lower prices on the items, this also gives you homework on each seller. If you’re going to buy from them, you’ll need to vet the seller to ensure their gear is legit and they can ship it safely. Make sure you read their seller page and look at their reviews carefully. We have a 98%-99% review score on both Reverb & eBay. When you buy on ChurchGear, you know exactly who you are buying from. You won’t need to vet us. With eBay, you’ll need to do some due diligence.
Score: ChurchGear 3 vs eBay 2.
6. Warranties
ChurchGear was made to specifically serve church techs and worship leaders. One of the best ways we do this is by offering 6-month warranties on our gear. You won’t find used production gear with a warranty on eBay.
Score: ChurchGear 4 vs eBay 2.
Although the score is 4 to 2, the difference between eBay and ChurchGear really comes down to the single factor you’re looking for the most. If you’re looking for the absolute cheapest price, eBay would be the first place to check. ChurchGear could still have the cheaper price, but eBay has a better chance at having the gear at a cheaper price. If you’re looking for the highest quality gear that’ll ship perfectly and come with a warranty, ChurchGear becomes the obvious choice. Regardless of where you shop, we hope this article helped you in your used production gear hunt.

Picking between eBay vs ChurchGear is easy.
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When our best gear goes public on our website, our Reverb store and eBay, it can sell within the hour.
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